
Friday, August 10, 2012

Black Racer Snake

Here some pictures about black racer snake

black racer snake bite

black racer snake bite, this snake is very fierce, so be careful

 black racer snake facts

black racer snake facts has a very deadly poison, can paralyze you in a matter of hours

 black racer snake tennessee

black racer snake tennessee, this snake has a territorial nature of their territory, so you have to be careful when in they areas

 black rat snake poisonous

black rat snake poisonous, so deadly poison

southern black racer snake 

southern black racer snake, beauty but deadly. If you want to catch them, you must be have much life !!


  1. Actually, black racers aren't poisonous at all. I used to have a wild one in my backyard. He would come right up and sit next to me while I gardened. It knew I would dig up bugs for his lunch. They're really afraid of people, so sometimes they try to scare you away from their home by coming up to you.

    1. I 100 percent agree with that here is the evidence:

      and obviously if you pick up anything it's not going to be happy, also just because it slithers or has scary teeth it's a load of rubbish they are not FIERCE at all and I think some people are a tad dramatic 2 to 1/3 of a second it's not possible melting from inside out absoulutley bull and the fastest snake venom to kill you is the black mamba (origin Africa) and it can kill a human being in less than 30 MINUTES! so I think some people are getting the wrong snake.
      finally if you pick up a human when they don't know they're not going to be happy are! so why would you think you can blame a snake/kill it because you feel threatened by something that's not going to hurt you unless it feels threatened basic brain functions fight flight freeze that's what every thing does with a nervous system when felt threatened and mostly the black racer will always do flight or in some it will choose to pursue it's prey but there prey is things that are smaller than them and no human is smaller than a black racer. in conclusion the black racer is an animal who lives has a life, and they kill there prey by suffocation method NOT biting only when it is conered it may bite think about that

  2. The black racer, Coluber constrictor, is a non-poisonous, non-agressive, bug-eater. Are you maybe thinking of the black mamba? wrong continent.

    I'm not saying that if you try to pick a black racer up (unlikely to get that close) you won't get bit about six times before you can scream, but that's a different story.

  3. Ummmmmm.... I don't think that is right.... aren't Black Mamba's in Africa..... not the US.... Black Racers are not poisonous.....Coluber constrictor priapus, commonly known as the southern black racer, is one of the more common subspecies of nonvenomous Coluber constrictor snakes in the Southeastern United States. The name priapus refers to the proximal spines of the hemipenes being much enlarged into basal hooks, which is characteristic of this subspecies.[1] These snakes are quite active during the day, which increases the chance of sightings. They will eat almost any animal they can overpower, including, rodents, frogs, toads, and lizards. They have been known to charge at people in an attempt to frighten them[citation needed], but will usually retreat if challenged. They are not venomous. Members of this species generally do not tolerate handling – even after months in captivity – and will typically strike and flail wildly every time they are handled. These snakes are usually thin with a jet black dorsal side with a grey belly and white chin. They are quite fast, giving rise to the name "racer".

  4. Your outright lies about the "fierce nature" and "deadly poison" could be responsible for the death of black racer snakes by ignorant people who look up your completely false information. Here is some factual information about this snake:

    1. agreed why do people think that from when they read this stuff and make up completely a load of rubbish somebody who is right about the animals we are destroying because people don't think before there actions

  5. Black racers are nonvenomous and won't bother you unless you try to pick them up or attack them. They can respond aggressively and may bite multiple times if grabbed or swatted at. Their bite is rarely serious, provided that wounds are properly cleaned. They are beneficial animals and pose little to no threat to humans and should be left alone. They are faster than you might think, so don't assume you can just grab them behind the head, unless you enjoy being bit. Unless you know how to properly identify snakes and distinguish venomous species from nonvenomous species its best to leave all snakes alone. For North Americans who want learn to learn more about the snakes in their area, I recommend buying the Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Reptiles & Amphibians. It would seem that the internet is not always the most reliable source for accurate information.

  6. Abe Lincoln said not to believe everything you read on the Internet.

    1. wise words!
      Abraham Lincoln
      not good he was assassinated

  7. these snakes are so fierece i never want to acctualy touch it and these are deadly and mike he did not specifically say but fine yall

  8. It's very true! a buddy and me were deer hunting in the Honey Island Swamp by Slidell La.and he got bit by one and I watched him literally Melt from the inside out from the poison. he was dead in like 2 and 1/3 seconds. He promise to not do it again and so far kept his word. Black racers sore the mostest deadly nex to the Yellow Rat Snake.

  9. you lie so much spreading bullshit whats wrong with you your science maths writing all wrong get it right if your going to talk about something important that influences peoples views

  10. I pick up blackracer snake but first by his or she. Tail i grabit ok just be slower pick it up ☝
