
Friday, August 17, 2012

Shark Fish - Cute Fish for Pet

Some information and pictures about shark fish

shark fish picture

shark fish picture
nice shark fish picture, you can choose this fish for your pet aquarium

 fresh water shark fish

fresh water shark fish
Fresh water shark fish species are actually a better choice for a freshwater aquarium than the true freshwater shark species. If you have a saltwater aquarium you can also keep some of the smallest saltwater shark species. A saltwater aquarium is not suitable as a first aquarium; it is advisable to begin with a freshwater aquarium and gain some experience before you venture into the beautiful but somewhat more complicated saltwater world.

 pet shark fish

pet shark fish
You might think that it would be dangerous to keep sharks as pets and the danger that these sharks present is real but not very big as long as you threat your sharks with care. Sharks that are commonly kept as pets are not a threat to an adult’s life but they can give nasty wounds which might result in scars if they bite you. There are however a long row of other popular aquarium inhabitants that are potentially more dangerous such as lionfish.

 rainbow shark fish

rainbow shark fish
The Rainbow Shark fish is a freshwater fish of the cyprinidae family. Rainbow Sharks come in two different varieties: The Epalzeorhynchos frenatum which is gray with orange fins and the Epalzeorhynchos munense or the Albino Rainbow Shark, which is white with orange fins. The E. frenatum was once called Labeo frenatus; the name has since been corrected but some people still use the old name to describe the Rainbow Shark.

 tropical shark fish

tropical shark fish
tropical shark fish


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